Let's TalkRequest a Free Market Insights Report

What you will receive with your Market Insights Report:

  1. Sales Concentration Analysis: Discover where your customers are coming from and target high-potential areas. 
  2. Competitive Insights: Understand your competitors’ performance to stay one step ahead. 
  3. Inventory Alignment: Ensure your stock meets local demand with detailed sales data on top models. 
  4. Market Share Evaluation: Assess your position in the market to identify opportunities for growth. 

Unlock Your Dealership's Full Potential

Stream Companies can help you drive your sales forward with data-driven decisions.  

As a leading car dealership, staying ahead in a competitive market requires more than just great inventory—it demands a deep understanding of your local market. Our comprehensive Market Insights Report empowers you with the data you need to optimize your sales strategy and outperform the competition. 

Stream Companies wants to help you design a marketing strategy based on your specific needs. Our dedicated team of marketing strategists can help you gain the competitive edge you are looking for: 

Pinpoint Your Sales Opportunities 

Discover where your sales are thriving and identify areas with untapped potential. The market share report helps you focus your marketing efforts on the most promising zip codes to maximize returns. 

Understand Your Market Share 

Get a clear picture of how you stack up against the competition in key zip codes. Our insights reveal your market share, helping you to strategize effectively and increase your presence in vital areas. 

Optimize Your Inventory 

Align your inventory with market demand. Learn which models are top sellers and how your competitors are performing, so you can stock the right cars that your customers want, improving turnover and customer satisfaction. 

Strategic Branding and Awareness 

Enhance your brand’s visibility where it matters most. Our report highlights the most effective branding strategies within your Primary Market Area (PMA) to ensure your dealership is the first choice for local buyers. In addition, Stream Companies is a certified vendor for 25+ OEM Programs, so you can ensure your advertising and branding are compliant with your brand’s co-op program and guidelines.  

Request a Free Market Insights Report

Ready to Accelerate Your Sales? Let’s Talk!